Doris Nichols Roberts is being inducted into the Hall of Fame for her contributions to school, community and nation.
Doris is a member of the class of 1961. While in high school, she was in Theta Sigma Nu, Student Council, Tri-Hi-Y, Drama Club and the Girls’ Athletic Association. Doris graduated with a regent diploma.
The following year after high school, Doris married her high school sweetheart, Ray Roberts. She went to work for National Commercial Bank (Key Bank) in Albany. Doris left the bank in 1965 to raise her children. She went to work for Sterling Drug in 1975 working second shift light testing medication for impurities. After the Equal Rights Amendment went into place she was moved to transportation where she drove a fork lift loading. Then she drove five-ton trucks and later become a grade 2 chemical operator. She was the only woman working with 100 men on the second shift. At the end of the Vietnam War they were working 30 days on with 1day off a month. In 1984 she was laid off due to downsizing. In 1985 she went to work for Rensselaer High School working as a clerk in maintenance and as a library aide. She went on to be Secretary to Special Education for the Rensselaer City School District retiring in 2006.
Doris’ community service is extensive. She is a member and past Regent of the Fort Crailo Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, member and past Vice President and current ex-officio of the Alumni Association, and a member of the Friends of the Library.
As a member of the DAR, Doris has been chairperson of the “Good Citizen” Award program for several years. This involves coordinating with four local high schools and requires an essay scholarship contest. She also participates in many of the DAR events, such as the organization’s representative for presenting awards to students of the RPI’s ROTC at the ceremony, and fundraisers like bake sales at the yearly Crailo Faire. Doris was awarded the DAR Community Service Award in 2017.
As a member of the Friends of the Library, Doris has participated in the summer reading programs, book sales and bake sales at the Kiwanis’ Concerts in the Park and maintaining the library’s garden. She is also the Library’s Publicity Chair.
Doris has been with the Alumni Association since it’s rebirth in 2011. Doris has helped with publicity, works on the Senior Breakfast and at bake sales, the craft fair, the hall of fame dinner, school open house and the golf tournament. She has also been of great help with the membership drive and will always fill-in where needed if she’s available. Her values are meaningfully directed at bettering the youth of the city. Doris continued to volunteer at these organizations through her recent successful battle with cancer, just rolling with the punches. She is incredibly strong of body and spirit and has never-ending energy, kindness and cheerfulness.
Doris was nominated by her son Gary and daughter Denise who is also in the Hall of Fame and on the faculty at school, as well as the faculty advisor to the Alumni Association. Doris was windowed in 2006. She delights in her new grandson. Doris still resides in Rensselaer.