PURPOSE & ELIGIBILITY: The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of those who have, through their high school years and post-HS careers:
1) brought pride and inspiration to RCSD students and the city of Rensselaer community,
2) exemplified the tradition of excellence fostered by the RCSD; and
3) reinforced to current students the importance of a sound educational foundation.
Those who are eligible must be
1) RCSD graduates;
2) RCSD attendees and/or;
3) RCSD faculty, administration or parent volunteers. Posthumous entries are also eligible.

- Anyone can nominate a candidate, using and following the instruction on the HOF Nomination Form, and who meet the eligibility requirements.
- Nominees cannot nominate someone in the same year that they are nominated.
- Self-nominations are allowed.
- A Call for Nominees will be publicly announced once a year through letters, websites, emails, etc.
- Nominations will be received continually but no later than (2 ½) two and a half months prior to the date of the induction ceremony.
- Nomination forms will include
1) identifying information,
2) the category for nomination,
3) supporting documentation such as resumes, news clippings, articles, letters of endorsement, etc. and
4) personal references.
- Forms will be completed and submitted within the above time-frame.
- The selections will be publicly announced e.g. newspapers, websites, emails within a month of the submission deadline and in public at an annual awards induction ceremony in the spring, preferably around the end of April.
- Nominees will be inducted by the Alumni Association President or designee, e.g. the person that nominated them or another committee member. A tangible item such as a plaque, a trophy, certificate, etc. will be presented to the honoree or a family member of a posthumous honoree, indicating that the person is inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame and the year. The Alumni Association will maintain a Hall of Fame Plaque with each inductee’s name and the year of induction. The plaque will be displayed in the High School.
SELECTION COMMITTEE: A Selection Committee will be chosen by the President and consist of a variety (age, gender, backgrounds) of individuals familiar with the RCSD and community. The committee will be composed of past or present school administrators, faculty, community members, and/or active alumni association members. The committee will review the applications and rank them in order of preference, based on the merit of the applications and also indicate if any applications do not meet the criteria stated in the application instructions and this policy statement. If there are no viable nominees, the committee may extend the deadline and receive other applications
SELECTION CRITERIA: Excellence/Achievement through demonstrated accomplishment, leadership or character. Nomination categories will include:
1) profession; trade, business, industry;
2) community service;
3) cultural endeavor such as art, music, dance, theater or literature; and
4) charitable contribution. This can be on a local, state, national or international level.
adopted 8/7/2012 revised 11/2/12, 2/13 & 4/13