Seth Krause Lillie Shaw
Set Krause Lillye Shaw
Member of Builders Club, Key Club,
Junior National Honor Society, National
Society, Bridge Builders Club, Little
League, East Greenbush Soccer Club,
Modified and Varsity Cross Country,
Outdoor Track and Field, Varsity
Wrestling, Concert and Jazz Band. He
takes private drum lessons at Rocky’s
music studio, martial arts class, sporter
rifle and junior rifle at the Nassau
Sportsman Club, drivers’ education,
HVCC Precalculus class. He hopes to
become an electrical engineer where his
job will be “to design systems for the
betterment of humanity and the
advancement of technology that will
assist humanity”.

Lillie has been a member of Student
Council, Key Club, Drama Club,
Students Against Destructive Decisions,
Girls Varsity Soccer, Girls Varsity
Basketball, Girls Varsity Track and Field,
Country Mills Eagles AAU Track and
Field, French Club, Club JC (church
club), dance class. She has also helped
the PTA at their Trunk or Treat event.