Meeting Agenda

(Full minutes poasted when approved.)

  1. 6:30 - Call to Order

  2. Report from Secretary

  3. Report from Treasurer

    1. Report of accounts

    2. Square update-can it be used for the HOF dinner?

    3. Membership drive update

  4. Correspondences

  5. President report

  6. Vice President report

  7. Superintendent report

  8. Old Business

    1. Photo booth update

    2. Hall of Fame update

      1. Banquet for next year

    3. Craft Fair update

    4. Bylaws and Constitution update

    5. Craft Corner memorial for staff member-April 15 at 10am

    6. Association pamphlet is finished

  9. New Business

    1. Looking for a webmaster in training

    2. Music program project revisited

    3. Centennial Award

    4. Senior Breakfast-May 10

    5. Cleaning banner and purchasing a container

    6. Veterans monument project

    7. Clean stone with school name on it

    8. Next Board meeting update

    9. Stamps needed for President

  1. adjourn