Membership meetings are usually held in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room in the High School at 6:30 pm on the first Tuesday in October-December and March-June.  In September, the meeting is held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.  Please come and join us!

Committee meetings are held as needed.

The Alumni Association has set up a YouTube channel for members to be able to watch the live-streamed meetings.  Just click on the below link.  Be sure to subscribe to the channel to receive updates.


Minutes and other meeting notes and attachments are posted here on the web site however, viewing is restricted to limit indiscriminate viewing and linking by search bots.  Members of the Rensselaer NY Alumni Association may use the UserId of "Patroon" in the Member Login area (below right) to gain access. The password is the name of our city.  Meeting notes will then be available to you going back to the year 2012.