The Alumni Association is looking for all those interested in officerships. President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. We vote on the slate of officers at our annual meeting in September but, that doesn't mean you have to wait until then.
Just let the current president , or one of the other officers know of your interests. We'd love to have you involved in any capacity to get exposure to how the alumni association operates from day-to-day. Or just stop by for one of the general membership meetings - the schedule is published on the Meetings page.
Maybe you're retired and looking for something else to do. Or maybe you have access to some great resources that you think would be helpful to the association. Do you enjoy being a role model for students looking to find their way in the world after they graduate? Perhaps a mentorship program would be something to explore. Check out other alumni associations and see what you might find that you could bring to ours. In short, there are many, many ways you can volunteer. Ways I can't even think of but, with your creativity, I'm sure you'll find something. Right? So, go ahead and give a little of yourself and see how good it makes you feel when you put a smile on someone else's face.